Welcome to vxn

We are a group of IT, Software Development and Open Source enthusiasts focused on learning, self-improvement and knowledge sharing.

About us

We are mainly interested in:
  • IT Consulting
  • Software Development
  • IT Administration
  • Hosting

Our preferred technologies

Check out our projects!

Our projects

Kapka pro ušáčka
Rabbit blood donor registry

KPU is a blood donor registry for rabbits. It enables the owners of potential rabbit blood donors to be notified when there are rabbits in need of blood transfusion in their region.

When a rabbit in need registers in the system, KPU notifies all potential donors from the region via E-mail, SMS and push notifications so that donors can get in touch with the owner as soon as possible.

Helldive Helper
Team loadouts tool for Helldivers 2

Customize loadouts for your team in Helldivers 2 and easily share with your friends. Built with Vue 3, Tailwind and love for democracy.

A tiny, fast, remotely configured monitoring service

dish is a tiny monitoring service written in Go, embedded with a custom Telegram module for alerting. You can read further details on dish in krusty's article!

Log parser supporting batching and concurrent parsing of large log files

xilt is a utility for parsing Common and Combined Log Format (CLF) log files and storing them in SQLite for further analysis. Built with concurrency in mind.

A simple Go implementation of the SMS Manager HTTP API

Fully automated news service

texAI is a news blog which writes itself using AI.

Get in touch

You can reach us at info@vxn.dev Feel free check out our GitHub!